Introduction to R for Geospatial Data

The goal of this lesson is to provide an introduction to R for learners working with geospatial data. It is intended as a pre-requisite for the R for Raster and Vector Data lesson for learners who have no prior experience using R. This lesson can be taught in approximately 4 hours and covers the following topics:

The the R for Raster and Vector Data lesson provides a more in-depth introduction to visualization (focusing on geospatial data), and working with data structures unique to geospatial data.

Getting Started

Data Carpentry’s teaching is hands-on, so participants are encouraged to use their own computers to insure the proper setup of tools for an efficient workflow.
This lesson assume no prior knowledge of R.

To get started, follow the directions in the “Setup” tab to download data to your computer and follow any installation instructions.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction to R and RStudio How to find your way around RStudio?
How to interact with R?
How to install packages?
00:25 2. Project Management With RStudio How can I manage my projects in R?
00:40 3. Data Structures How can I read data in R?
What are the basic data types in R?
How do I represent categorical information in R?
01:35 4. Exploring Data Frames How can I manipulate a data frame?
02:05 5. Subsetting Data How can I work with subsets of data in R?
02:40 6. Data frame Manipulation with dplyr How can I manipulate dataframes without repeating myself?
03:20 7. Introduction to Visualization What are the basics of creating graphics in R?
03:55 8. Writing Data How can I save plots and data created in R?
04:15 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.