Instructor Training

Over the last hundred years, researchers have discovered an enormous amount about how people learn and how best to teach them. Unfortunately, much of that knowledge has not yet been translated into common classroom practice, especially at the university level.

This two-day class has the following overall goals:

Because we have only two days, some things are beyond the scope of this class. We will not be learning:

Please fill in the online application form if you wish to take part in this course. Priority is given to members of our partner organizations, but we run several open-enrollment classes each year as well.

The class will be hands-on throughout: short lessons will alternate with individual and group practical exercises, including practice teaching sessions. Those who complete the two full days and some short follow-up exercises online will be certified to teach Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry workshops.

Feedback on these materials is welcome as an issue on the GitHub repository that hosts this site.

These materials are freely available under a Creative Commons license.


Налаштування Завантажити файли для цього уроку
09:00 1.
09:00 2. Розвиток навичок за допомогою практики Як люди вчаться?
Хто є типовим слухачем спільноти Carpentry?
Як ми можемо допомогти новачкам стати компетентними практиками?
10:00 3. Експертиза та інструктаж
10:45 4. 04 Coffee
10:45 5.
10:45 6. Розвиток навичок за допомогою зворотного зв'язку Як я можу отримати зворотній зв’язок від слухачів?
Як я можу використати цей відгук, щоб покращити своє навчання?
11:05 7. 07 Lunch
11:05 8. Мотивація та демотивація «Чому важлива мотивація?»
«Як ми можемо створити мотиваційне середовище для слухачів?»
12:20 9. Мислення «Як мислення впливає на навчання?»
«Як хвалити наших слухачів?»
«Як говорити про помилки?»
Які успішні звички тих, хто навчається протягом усього життя?
12:50 10. 10 Coffee
12:50 11.
12:50 12.
Day 1 09:00 13. Welcome Back What have we learned so far?
What will we focus on today?
09:10 14. Живе кодування – це навичка Чому ми навчаємо програмуванню за допомогою спільного живого кодування?
10:20 15. Preparing to Teach How should I prepare to teach?
11:10 16. Morning Break Перерва
11:25 17. More Practice Live Coding How did you change your teaching in response to feedback?
12:10 18. Managing a Diverse Classroom How can I prepare for effective co-teaching?
What are the challenges of managing a heterogeneous classroom?
What do I do if there is a Code of Conduct violation?
12:40 19. Lunch Перерва
13:40 20. Checkout Process What do I need to do to finish certifying as a Carpentries instructor?
13:55 21. The Carpentries: How We Operate How is The Carpentries organized and run?
What is the difference between SWC, DC, and LC workshops?
How do you run a Carpentries workshop?
15:10 22. Afternoon Break Перерва
15:25 23. Workshop Introductions How do you actually start a workshop?
16:05 24. Putting It Together How are the teaching practices we’ve learned used in our workshops?
16:25 25. Wrapping Up What can we improve in this training?
16:40 Кінець

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